Faith Community Church is an urban, multi-cultural church in the Park Place community of Norfolk, Virginia.Faith Community Church is an urban, multi-cultural church in the Park Place community of Norfolk, Virginia. Concerned about many homeless African American men who were not allowed to be housed at the Union Mission in Norfolk, Virginia, a group of believers under the leadership of Dr. James A. Handy established the Colored Union Mission circa 1932. Following the model of the Union Mission, daily counseling, Bible studies, and evening preaching ministries were organized.
After segregation was judged illegal, the Union Mission integrated and the Colored Union Mission ceased operation. Because of the dynamic relationships and compassionate ministries established by those involved with the Colored Union Mission, the group decided to stay together and formed a church to continue worshiping and ministering together. They named this church Faith Tabernacle Church of Norfolk…


We believe in the complete, verbal inspiration of the Bible, both Old and New Testaments, fully inerrant in the original autographs as the Word of God, and that it is the supreme and only authority in all matters of faith and conduct…
Our leadership team recognizes the authority of God, and realizes that we are shepherds serving under the Chief Shepherd, Jesus Christ. We desire to devote ourselves to prayer and to the ministry of the Word. Our passion and goal is to equip the believers for the work of the ministry, as stated in our purpose, “to the glory of God.”


To be a biblical model of a multiracial church in evangelism, global missions, and compassionate outreach, having a dynamic body life, showing love, devotion, and service to God, to each other, and to the community, growing both spiritually and numerically, while faithfully fulfilling God’s unique purpose in and through this church for His honor and glory.


To bring people, by His Spirit, into a dynamic relationship with Jesus Christ, into an accountable relationship with His people, and to equip believers for both local and world missions to the glory of God.